Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's a start...

The start of my new adventures in blogging, that is! I've tried to resist but in the end, i've never been able to resist a challenge, so here we are! Prepare to see the results of my dabbling in digital scrapbooking, photography, medicine, home-buying and life in general.

I leave you with some of my newest LO... hope you enjoy your visit at my little corner of the web!!

Credits: Songbird Avenue June Kit - Leap of Faith, Template - Janet Phillips, Font - Freestyle Script

Credits: Scrapbook Byte Collab - Scrap Stash; Template - Tracy Blankenship, Template 12; fonts: An Accidental Kiss, Larger Mime

Credits: Sunshine Studio - Sunshine Sweets, Lucie Battaini - Grandmother's Treasures(journal tag), Amy Knepper - Forget Me Not (striped Alpha); Font - Segoe Script


Kim said...

Congrats and welcome to the world of blogging! Bout time!

Your layouts are lovely, but they always are as you're so very talented! Looking forward to regular posts from you......at least weekly, lol~

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