Big NEWS!!!
I got fantastic news yesterday!! I had a board exam at the end of October, and the results were FINALLY made available... and I PASSED!!! Totally panicked that I wouldn't, kept thinking I had made wayyyy to many stupid mistakes, but apparently I didn't screw up too badly!! YAYYYYY!!!So on this happy note, I wanted to share a Christmassy LO that I've made! My cousin's wedding was 3 days after Christmas, and she had decorated trees everywhere and ornaments hanging from the ceiling!! It was really special to her and her (now)-husband, so I figured I would scrap their wedding pictures with Christmas kits, like this fabulous one from Jenny K. called Sweet Christmas. It's available in her shop at SDK, and you will NOT be dissapointed if you decide to pick it up!!

And of note, SDK will be hosting a blog train starting Dec. 20th, you do NOT want to miss the goodies that are up for grabs!! So make sure to come back then, cause I'll have a surprise for you (and it is NOT a small surprise, judging by the file size!!)